the Beauty of Tragedy at Conseil des Arts de Montréal
If you’re going to be in Montréal May 17 (this Friday) you should seriously consider checking out the Beauty of Tragedy at Conseil des Arts de Montréal at 1210 Rue Sherbrooke Est, at the corner or Montcalm & Sherbrooke. It’s worth noting that this Friday is not an opening or vernissage per se – the party, a finissage in this case, will be held from 6 pm-10 pm June 16 (same location) coinciding with the closure of the MURAL festival.
It’s a group show with an excellent roster of well-known artists including some I’ve written about on ye olde blogge – Peter Ferguson & Omen will be there, along with Jason Botkin, WIA, Labrona, Scaner and Alan Ganev (who is also the curator). This promises to be a truly excellent show.
The Beauty of Tragedy, explores the phenomenon that occurs when tragic events lead to the expression beauty. The works presented were inspired by a variety of tragedies, either conceptual or emotional, which touched the selected artists in unique ways. Focusing on personal, social, political or cultural subjects, their artistic expression was used as a tool of awareness and/or personal healing, and the execution of their ideas honour the concept for this exhibition. Combining the contrasting notions of tragedy and beauty has led to a series of powerful and visually stimulating artworks.
The exhibition focuses on a selection of artists strongly influenced by graffiti, lowbrow, and street culture, but all have a candid curiosity and willingness to practice beyond the boundaries of their artistic niches. It is precisely this urge for innovation which makes their work authentic and worth celebrating, for their artistic expression contributes to Montréal’s visual culture.
Actually, there is no vernissage, it’s a “finissage” (yes it does exist ;-) and it will be held June 16th.
Ah, thanks for the correction! I’ve edited the post to reflect this.
Amazing, thank you! Hope you will be here on June 16th :-)
I look forward to it!