Picture Book Report
Got some time on your hands? Oh, good. One of the sites I like to visit each day is the Art Cake, an excellent art blog that posts stuff pretty much daily – today one of the posts featured the…
Nicolas Delort
I happened to stumble across the work of Nicolas Delort, a Parisian illustrator. He works in a variety of styles and media but I was most impressed by his work with this scratchboard-y technique – very time-consuming and requiring a…
New Yorker Cover Contest
Françoise Mouly is, amongst other things, the art director for the New Yorker. Earlier this year she started a companion blog to her book, Blown Covers, a book of rejected New Yorker covers. It’s taken on a life of its own…
Arthur Rackham Toes
I would be pretty surprised if you haven’t heard of Arthur Rackham. Quite possibly the most famous English illustrator of the early 20th century, he illustrated dozens of books in a variety of styles. My personal favourites are Alice’s Adventures in…