The Moleskine Project II
I was perusing Juxtapoz as I often do, and noticed an article on a show currently on exhibit at Spoke Art Gallery in San Francisco – The Moleskine Project II. Moleskine is a brand of sketchbooks (and a whole range…
New Artwork – Ian Rogers – My Sketchbook
Well, I guess I’m over my flu or whatever… staying up way too late on a school night, doodling in my sketchbook. Remnants of fevered dreams? If you’re similarly inclined, you can always get a Moleskine Sketchbook for yourself.
Guillermo del Toro Sketchbooks
Guillermo del Toro is the director of a pile of great films, including Hellboy and Pan’s Labyrinth. His future projects include a new version of Beauty and the Beast, a new version of Frankenstein (referencing Bernie Wrightson) and he is (tentatively) working…
Shari Blaukopf – Sketches
Wandering through the interwebs today, I found a blog that consists entirely of artists’ sketchbooks, Sketches and Jottings. It’s a great site worth checking out on its own, but the real find for today was a link to Shari Blaukopf’s…
New Artwork – My Sketchbook / Ben Frost
So, today, I’ve just been taking care of various errands, and doing some drawing. I’ve been mostly offline, so I have nothing to offer other than a double spread from my sketchbook. You may notice a mention of Ben Frost…