Joram Roukes

Joram Roukes is a Dutch artist living and working in Groningen. On a totally unrelated note, my dad’s now-deceased 3rd wife was from Groningen and my half-sister grew up there after her mother left my dad… but that’s another story. Also, my now-deceased grandfather was stationed in Groningen in World War II. It’s a very nice city in any case. Joram Roukes makes paintings that could not be called very nice by any but the most inattentive viewer – they are more challenging than that, but in a good way. These are oil paintings, but he handles the medium in such a way as to suggest a variety of media – collage, graffiti, marker – it’s an unsettling effect but I find it accurately evokes the pastiche of everday life as a kind of onslaught of impressions. Plus I just like the imagery on a personal level. Maybe it’s the Groningen thing.

My oil paintings are reflections on daily life situations in western society, filtered and reassembled in a collage-like manner. These works have been shown throughout Europe with shows in Copenhagen and London.
Joram Roukes

More of Roukes’ work can be seen on his website, or on his gallery pages: &