New Artwork – Ian Rogers – My Sketchbook
WOOHOO new art supplies – I picked up my first acrylic markers (where you babies been all my life) and man, this is a game-changer. This page all started from an Albrecht Dürer illustration of the wing of a blue…
Peter Ferguson at Roq la Rue
The charming and talented Montreal artist Peter Ferguson will be in Seattle this Friday for the opening of his solo show, “Black Jubilee” at Roq la Rue. I’ve mentioned Peter Ferguson before but just as a refresher, he is a wonderfully talented…
Walton Ford – Audubon meets Bosch
It probably comes as no surprise to anyone that I spend a lot of time on the internet, and a large portion of that time is bombarding myself with images – tumblr blogs, pinterest, artist blogs, online magazines, self-imposed google…
New Artwork – Ian Rogers – Collage
Today, a collage. I’ve been reading a lot of J.G. Ballard lately, what can I say? My source materials for this digital collage were images of the 15-year-old Elizabeth Taylor, the arm of a Hitachi hydraulic excavator, a vintage Plymouth…
ROA Explores Interior Space
ROA is a Belgian native whose work is well-known enough that most people familiar with contemporary street art in even the vaguest way will recognize his work. In 2010 the landmark lawsuit to preserve his (legal) work in Hackney helped pave…