Rethinking the Colour Wheel
When we’re taught the colour wheel in art class, we learn the 3-primary colour wheel. Red, yellow, and blue are the primary colours, orange, green, and violet are the secondary colours. This is where we get complementary (opposite) colours as…

Picture Book Report
Got some time on your hands? Oh, good. One of the sites I like to visit each day is the Art Cake, an excellent art blog that posts stuff pretty much daily – today one of the posts featured the…

Nicolas Delort
I happened to stumble across the work of Nicolas Delort, a Parisian illustrator. He works in a variety of styles and media but I was most impressed by his work with this scratchboard-y technique – very time-consuming and requiring a…

James Rosenquist F-111
So hey, I’m back from New York! On an artistic level my visit to the MoMA was unquestionably the high point, not only because they have a number of my favourite modernist art works on display, but for the current…

New Yorker Cover Contest
Françoise Mouly is, amongst other things, the art director for the New Yorker. Earlier this year she started a companion blog to her book, Blown Covers, a book of rejected New Yorker covers. It’s taken on a life of its own…