Robert Polidori
Robert Polidori is an American photographer born in Montreal, Canada, who lives between Paris and New York. He’s been a staff photographer for the New Yorker for more than a decade, and has won a heckload of awards including a…
Lori Nix
Lori Nix is a NYC-based photographer. To digress briefly, a few days ago I wrote about Ray Caesar: For those of you who haven’t worked with 3D software, imagine being a highly skilled painter who only paints on sculptures that…
Sweet Montreal Graf
I’ll be honest with you, I’ve had a pretty busy day. I didn’t get a chance to write about any of the artists or ideas I’ve been rolling around my chalky headbone over the weekend, but it’s all good; I…
Cindy Sherman
Cindy Sherman is probably the most popular living American photographer. Sherman is best known for her staged self-portraits, particularly the “Untitled Film Stills” series, officially 1977-1980 but some work from the series is dated 1975-1981. In these staged self-portraits, Sherman changes…
Jeff Wall – Dead Troops Talk
A 1992 photomontage by Canadian photographer Jeff Wall, Dead Troops Talk (A Vision after an Ambush of a Red Army Patrol, near Moqor, Afghanistan, Winter 1986), has fetched more than $3.6 million at auction. Golly. Dead Troops Talk (1992) –…