Mile End Type
As a photographer, history buff, lettering nerd and inhabitant of Montreal’s Mile-End neighbourhood, this lovely project neatly brings together a number of my personal obsessions. “A growing collection of vernacular typography and lettering in the Mile End. Created as…

The Allure of Enigma
Long before the days of Pinterest and Tumblr I would save images that I found compelling to my computer so that I could peruse them at my leisure. The folder now contains a few hundred images. I use them as a…

Photos of Skulls – inspired by Andreas Feininger
As a teenager I lived in downtown Hamilton, Ontario. A couple of blocks from my house was King Street, the main east-west corridor through the heart of downtown. In my neck of the woods was what the city fathers dubbed…
Sweet Montreal Graf Part 2
This is not my first post about Montreal’s street art/ graffiti. Back in June, I waxed poetic at some length. Montreal is, as I said back then, a pretty happening place for street art/ graffiti, with a lively and inventive…
Antique graffiti in Montreal
Here’s a photo I took the other day around the corner from where I live. Yeah, you read that right. Sgraffito from 1943. It would seem that the owners of this home decided to parge their foundation wall in 1943…
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