Valentine’s Day Cards
Hey kids, you have a special someone you’d like to impress with a witty yet sentimental Valentine’s day card but you’re stuck for ideas even though there’s only one day left? Not to worry, I have a bunch.
Maybe too office-humour-y? Okay, okay, here’s another:
Everyone likes bunnies, right?
No, not that one either? Okay, here’s another:
Puppies! Yay! Everyone loves puppies.
Still no good? Fine, there’s no pleasing everyone. You’re on your own.
I’m saving one as yet unseen (how mysterious) for my charming and talented wife.
//edit – OK, I gave it to her, so you can see it too, now.
Happy Valentine’s anyhow (or Valentimes as my oldest daughter calls it).
XOXO & don’t eat too much chocolate.