Kevin Peterson, Painter
I was checking out the Juxtapoz website (as I often do) and they had a feature on a pretty cool artist named Kevin Peterson who, judging by the thumbnails, took photos of people in front of graffiti in urban settings….
Meghan Howland
Checking out the ever-excellent art blog, I Need A Guide, I saw a bunch of work by Meghan Howland. Howland is a Massachussetts native who now works & lives in Portland, ME. Howland is one of those artists who does not…
Seth Clark
I was pretty excited to find Seth Clark’s work. He’s a mixed-media / collage artist from Pittsburgh who has been working on a series about collapsing and abandoned buildings for some years. I really like abandoned buildings. There’s something about…
Franklin Booth
Franklin Booth (1874-1948) was an American illustrator best known for his pen drawings that are nothing short of mind-boggling. Perhaps amusingly, his intricately detailed drawing style arose as a misunderstanding of printing processes – as a young boy growing up in…
Chris Ware – The Small Press Expo 2012
Chris Ware is a fantastic illustrator/ comic artist best known for Jimmy Corrigan, Smartest Kid on Earth & his Acme Novelty Library series. He designed the poster for this year’s Small Press Expo that is nothing short of awesome. The…