Valentine’s Day Cards
Hey kids, you have a special someone you’d like to impress with a witty yet sentimental Valentine’s day card but you’re stuck for ideas even though there’s only one day left? Not to worry, I have a bunch. Maybe too…
New Artwork – Ian Rogers – My Sketchbook
Well, I have no deep thoughts on the world of art to share at the moment, so here’s a new double spread, playing with some different styles of shading and patterning in my sketchbook. If you’re similarly inclined, you can…
Photos of Skulls – inspired by Andreas Feininger
As a teenager I lived in downtown Hamilton, Ontario. A couple of blocks from my house was King Street, the main east-west corridor through the heart of downtown. In my neck of the woods was what the city fathers dubbed…
the Happy Film – Stefan Sagmeister
If you follow graphic design at all, Stefan Sagmeister is probably a familiar name. To say that he is a big deal would be putting it mildly. Stefan Sagmeister has worked for the Rolling Stones, The Talking Heads, Lou Reed,…
Salvador Dali & J.G. Ballard
Lately I’ve been reading a great little book, J.G. Ballard Quotes. As one might expect, it’s a collection of quotes from interviews and writings from one of my favourite authors, J.G. Ballard – you may know his work such as…
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