New Artwork – Ian Rogers – Abecedary
Well, at long last I have put together all my group noun images, cobbled together a cover, and put it all together in book format. Here’s the cover: The book is available via Blurb in eBook, softcover, or hardcover…

New Artwork – Ian Rogers – Book Cover
Hey gang, here’s where I need your feedback. I have finished all the letters of the alphabet for my collective noun project, but if I’m going to put it together as a book I need a cover. I’ve put together…

New Artwork – Ian Rogers – a Zeal of Zebras
Another collective noun – today, a Zeal of Zebras. …and that’s the full alphabet!

New Artwork – Ian Rogers – a Yoke of Oxen
Another collective noun – today, a Yoke of Oxen. An ox is a castrated male cow that has been trained for use as a draft animal, generally about 4 years old when they can start being used as field animals. Two oxen…

New Artwork – Ian Rogers – an Exultation of Larks
Another collective noun – today, an Exultation of Larks. Yes, I know that’s a cheat, but this is the grim reality an abecediarian faces. The variety of lark I chose for this illustration is the Calandra Lark, one of the commonest lark…